II Etap – 2022 – archiwum


Uczestnik konkursu  pisze esej na jeden z trzech wylosowanych tematów

Esej powinien zawierać około 600 słów;  dopuszczalne jest użycie 10% słów więcej lub mniej – a zatem esej może zawierać 540-660 słów.

Prosimy dokładnie przeczytać tematy esejów oraz ustosunkować się do wszystkich aspektów określonej problematyki sugerowanych w pomocniczych pytaniach.

  1. At Confederation in 1867, Canada decided to accept immigration as a cornerstone for the creation of a new nation. With over 250,000 immigrants and refugees arriving in Canada from all over the world every year, it has been one of the top immigration destinations. In effect, by promoting the policy of multiculturalism and increasing its immigration intake, Canadahas become one of the most ethnically diverse countries in the world, and it has built itself a reputation for welcoming immigrants,who have assistedin boththe development of the population and the expansion of the economy. However, economic liberalism has not always translated into a liberal immigration policy. Write an essay discussing the history of Canadian immigration patterns and the government’s most essential past and present immigration policies. Examine essential immigration benefits to Canada. What role has immigration played in Canada historically? What sort of motivations have brought immigrants to Canada? Which ethnic groups or nations particularly contributed to the development of Canada’s economy? How did certain immigration policies restrict their lives in the new homeland? What challenges did Asian immigrants face? How has the policy of multiculturalism contributed to the lives of ethnic minorities in Canada? How does the Canadian public view immigration? Do the benefits of immigration outweigh the costs? What are the categories of immigrants to Canada nowadays? What is Canada’s policy on asylum seekers? What is the point system that was introduced into immigration regulations in 1967?
  1. Since the awareness of climate change began rising in the 1980s, Canada gradually came to the forefront of the environmental movement. In 1987 the Progressive Conservative government of Brian Mulroney along with Canadian scientists provided scientific information that led to the ratification of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer. Also, struggling to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, Canada was active in the negotiations that led to the adoption of the Kyoto Protocol in 1997. However, Canada’s leading position did not stand the test of time. In 2011 Stephen Harper’s Conservative government not only was accused of stalling climate change negotiations, but also withdrew from the Kyoto Protocol, and Canada was no longer an international climate change leader. Fortunately, in an effort to regain its leadership role in the environmental movement, in 2015 the newly elected Liberal government signed the Paris Agreement and committed to work with provinces to develop a Canadian plan to cut pollution in the oil and gas sector and protect the environment. Write an essay discussing Canada’s changing climate diplomacy and its enforcement of regulations aimed at tackling environmental degradation. Examine three climate approaches that have been taken by the federal government over the past decades. What were the main targets of the Kyoto Protocol, which was adopted on 11 December 1997? Why did the Canadian government decide to withdraw from the Kyoto Protocol in 2011?Who has jurisdiction over the environment in Canada? What is the Liberal government’s position on the climate crisis? What sort of nationwide measures has the Liberal government put in place to reduce pollution? Carbon tax or cap-and-trade schemes: which is better? Focusing on the Canadian Arctic, perceived as Canada’s last frontier, which particular priorities play an essential role in Canada’s arctic policy? Identify and discuss the Northern Strategy commitments.
  1. Read the chapters on Indigenous feminisms (IFs) by Kim Anderson and the project “Walking with Our Sisters,” explore the online sources provided and other materials found through your own research. With references to the provided chapters and sources, write an essay that explains Indigenous feminism and discusses the different forms of IFs, their premises, and how they contribute to the Indigenous communities in Canada. Choose ONE example of activist movement and TWO examples of artistic interventions that demonstrate how IFs are applied in practice in Canada. Consider the possible applications of Indigenous teachings and values promoted by Indigenous feminisms to other contexts (places/situations).
  1. Read chapters 2 & 3 from the book “The African Diaspora in Canada” and stories of individuals from the BBC; explore the links provided and other online sources found through your own research to study the topic of Black-Canadian identity and issues of inclusion. Write an essay discussing what it means to be a Black Canadian now they feel included or excluded in Canadian society, and what challenges they face to become accepted as Canadians and make Canada their home. As you develop your arguments, provide adequate references to academic articles suggested. Discuss how Canada’s official policies have supported or discriminated against Black immigrants or Black Canadians – provide ONE example of support and ONE of discrimination. Are there any inconsistencies between the official multicultural policies and the Black Canadians’ experience? Provide TWO examples of individual or community experiences from a documentary or the BBC article. Provide ONE example of how Black-Canadians’ activities (work, art, activism) raise awareness of racism and the need for inclusivity or promote their cultures and histories to empower Black communities and individuals.
  1. Glenn Gould  is considered to be one of the most celebrated classical pianists and composers of the 20th century. Critics,  however, pay attention not only to his remarkable technical proficiency and virtuoso performances but also to his striking eccentric personality. Watch the documentaries about Glenn Gould,  and also his „contrapuntal radio documentary,” The Idea of North, which is an expression of his view on the mythology of Canadianness as northerness. Write an essay in which you consider the following questions: What was unorthodox and distinctive about Gould’s style of playing the piano? What were the eccentricities of his behaviour? Would you agree that he was a showman constructing his whole life as performance? What was unique about his idea of Canada’s North? What strategies did he use to „compose the nation-state“of Canada?
  1. George Elliott Clarke is  a distinguished  poet, playwright,  novelist, and scholar of African and  Mi’kmaq  descent. His accomplishments are staggering,  too numerous to mention,  but he is known for his virtuoso linguistic performances in his writing.  Many of his texts are devoted to the exploration of  the experience and history of the Black Canadian community of Nova Scotia, which he refers to as “Africadia’.  Those who met him in person know how  erudite,  articulate and eloquent he is,  saying nothing about his  inexhaustible energy, vitality,  and a genuine love of life.  His writing  that has “rediscovered the joys of rhyme”,  is defined as  oral based  and engaging many senses. Watch the proposed interviews and documentarieand write an essay in which you examine Clarke’s ideas on poetry: What is a poem?  Why did he become a poet? What is the importance of poetry and critical thinking in our lives? Listen to some of his poetic performances (provide titles) and write how they impacted you. Are you attracted to this kind of writing? Or perhaps you are disenchanted with it? Provide reasons for your response.
  1. Norval Morriseau  is an Anishinaabe self-taught  artist, known as the ‘Picasso of the North’,  who originated “the pictographic style, or what is referred to as „Woodlands School,” „legend painting” or „x-ray art‘“.  His life, impacted by racism and discrimination,  was full of traumatic experiences.  He found solace,  however,  in the reclaiming of Indigenous spiritual traditions and knowledge. Write an essay  about Morriseau as a Shaman artist.  Examine his paintings with reference to specific spiritual traditions he was interested in. Explore the style and techniques of his art, focusing on his use of colour and lines. Select TWO of his paintings and analyze them taking into consideration his choice of themes and artistic techniques. Consider also the role of Indigenous art for Native communities.


  • Strony internetowe podane w tabelce.
  • Wszystkie obowiązkowe artykuły/rozdziały z akademickich publikacji są do pobrania z sekcji ‘Konkurs – DC 2022 – ETAP 2’, po zalogowaniu na swoje konta indywidualne.
  • Zaleca się korzystanie również z publikacji akademickich oraz innych wiarygodnych materiałów internetowych
Websites to be consulted in preparation for the essay on a selected Canadian studies topic

Academic article/chapter:

Augie Fleras,  “Twenty-first-century migration. Canada in the New Global Reality” w Immigration Canada : Evolving Realities and Emerging Challenges in a Postnational World,  Vancouver: University of British Columbia,  2014

Settling the West: Immigration to the Prairies from 1867 to 1914
Canadian Immigration Acts and Legislation
Immigration to  Canada
Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration
Questioning Canada’s Immigration Model
Cultural Diversity in Canada: The Social Construction of Racial Difference


Academic article/chapter:

Kowan T. V. O’Keefe, “Climate Change Politics in Canada”, w Climate Change Literacy and Education The Science and Perspectives from the Global Stage ,Volume 1,  ed. Peterman et al.,2017.  

When Canada led the way: a short history of climate change
Canada’s Emissions Story
History of failed climate change goals leaves critics with little faith in BC’s latest plan
Environmental Political History in Canada
Provincial Climate Plans


Academic articles/chapters:  

Kim Anderson (2020) “Multi-generational Indigenous feminisms: From F word to what IFs,” Brendan Hokowhitu, Aileen Moreton-Robinson, Linda Tuhiwai-Smith, Chris Andersen and Steve Larkin eds., Routledge Handbook of Critical Indigenous Studies. Routledge: London-New York.  

Shalene Jobin and Tara Kappo (2017)“To Honour the Lives of Those Taken From Us: Restor(y)ing Resurgence and Survivance through Walking With Our Sisters,” Kerira L. Ladner & Myra J. Tait eds., Surviving Canada: Indigenous Peoples Celebrate 150 Years of Betrayal. ARP Books: Winnipeg.

Introduction to Indigenous Feminisms
Indigenous Feminisms Power Panel at University of Saskatchewan
REDress Project
Art Installation “Walking with our Sisters”
Idle no More
Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls in Canada


Academic articles/chapters:

Korbla P. Puplampu and Wisdom J. Tettey (2005) “Ethnicity & the Identity of African-Canadians: A Theoretical & Political Analysis,” Wisdom J. Tettey & Korbla P. Puplampu eds.,  The African Diaspora in Canada: Negotiating Identity and Belonging, The University of Calgary Press: Alberta.  

Ali A. Abdi (2005) “Reflections on the Long Struggle for Inclusion: The Experiences of People of African Origin,” Wisdom J. Tettey & Korbla P. Puplampu eds., The African Diaspora in Canada: Negotiating Identity and Belonging, The University of Calgary Press: Alberta.

Introduction to Black Canadians
BBC article “Black in Canada: 10 Stories”
CBC News video on “Being Black in Canada”
Podcast on “How artist Ekow Nimako uses Lego to imagine new monuments for Black youth”

Documentaries to choose from:
“Remember Africville”
“Where I Belong”
“Colour of Beauty”
“19 Days”
“Ice Breakers” 


Genius within – The inner life of Glenn Gould
Glenn Gould – Interview with Alex Trebek: „I detest audiences”
Glenn Gould
Glenn Gould – The Idea of North – Part 1
Glenn Gould – The Idea of North – Part 2
“Composing the nation-state” in The Idea (of an Idea) of North (Of the North): Glenn Gould’s Piece at 50


Key works
Eckankar. A new spirituality
Style and techniques ( focus on colour and lines)
The Artist as Shaman
Norval Morriseau. 2014 Retrospective
Woodland Art


George Elliott Clarke on why he became a poet
George Elliott Clarke on what is a poem
George Elliott Clarke on when nothing but a poem will suffice
George Elliott Clarke on the freedom of the artist
George Elliott Clarke on being critical in your thinking
George Elliot Clarke’s Honest Account of Canadian History. A Documentary
George Elliott Clarke. Poetry archive
Toronto’s Poet Laureate George Elliott Clarke performs #2 Blues and Jazz at Hear Here: Revolution with Shelley Hamilton and Jason Nett

For the test on Canada  students are also expected to follow Canadian news – arts and political affairs. The test will be based on the material related to the essay topics and Canadian news on arts and political affairs.  
The Globe and Mail https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/  
CBC news / arts and entertainment


Aboriginal Peoples Television Network http://aptn.ca/    


Praca pisemna powinna spełniać formalne wymogi eseju:

  • wstęp / wprowadzenie (wraz z precyzyjnie sformułowaną tezą),
  • rozwinięcie (stanowiące poparcie dla sformułowanej tezy),
  • podsumowanie

Esej,  to forma krytyczna,  naukowa, refleksyjna,  literacka,  literacko-naukowa,  czy filozoficzna, prezentująca  punkt widzenia autora.

Uczestnicy niniejszego konkursu będą wykorzystywać aspekt krytyczny,  naukowy i refleksyjny tej formy twórczości.

Wstęp /Wprowadzenie (introduction)

  • służy wprowadzeniu do tematu;  tutaj należy jasno zarysować problem eseju oraz         przedstawić własne zdanie – innymi słowy – czego esej dotyczy? O czym jest? Co staramy się w nim udowodnić?
  • we wprowadzeniu  zamieszcza się tezę  (thesis statement),  czyli stwierdzenie czy główne założenie eseju,  które porządkuje  go i  uzasadnia określony podział na akapity.
  • tezie powinny przypominać najważniejsze zdania poszczególnych akapitów (topic sentences).
  • Do tezy należy powrócić w zakończeniu. Nie trzeba jej  powtarzać, ale powinno się pokazać czytelnikowi, że nie została zapomniana. 

Rozwinięcie –  Cześć główna ( body paragraphs ) 

  • zawiera co najmniej trzy akapity  (ich ilość zależy od ujęcia danego tematu).  Tu znajdują się rozważania autora na dany temat, przy pomocy odwołań do różnych materiałów i tekstów
  • rozwinięcie ma  charakter analizy i interpretacji zagadnień w oparciu o konkretne  przykłady.

Podsumowanie (conclusion)

  • zawiera ponowne wyrażenie opinii autora używając innych słów niż we wstępie (restating the opinion in different words)
  • czasami esej  nie wymaga wyraźnie zarysowanego zakończenia, lecz można podsumować swoje przemyślenia krótką refleksją końcową, uwrażliwiającą czytelnika na poruszony problem.

Kilka wskazówek:

  • należy dokładnie przeanalizować temat; ważne jest jego właściwe zrozumienie;  trzeba zastanowić się nad doborem pojęć i zagadnień,  które omawiamy w rozwinięciu. Pracę nad esejem rozpoczynamy od zapisania wniosków, jakie nasuwają się po uważnym przeanalizowaniu zadanego tematu
  • należy pamiętać,  iż pisząc esej wyrażamy swoją opinię na dany temat, ale odwołujemy się do poglądów innych osób 
  • przygotowujemy plan eseju,  uwzględniając w nim zagadnienia, które będą rozwinięte w kolejnych akapitach. Schemat umożliwi  uporządkowanie myśli w trakcie pisania.
  • Z wcześniej zapisanych wniosków wybieramy te, które uważamy za najciekawsze, niepowtarzalne i zgodne z naszymi poglądami na zadany temat
  • Rozwijamy swoją argumentację w sposób uporządkowany
  • Nie odchodzimy od tematu. Swoje myśli wyrażamy w sposób zwięzły i jasny
  • Staramy się być oryginalni przedstawiając własny punkt widzenia danego tematu
  • Zaznaczamy w tekście swoją obecność, prowadząc tok myślowy tak, aby zaciekawić czytelnika i zmusić go do własnych refleksji na omawiane zagadnienie.
  • Unikamy potocznego języka i ogólników
  • Piszemy w pierwszej osobie liczby pojedynczej. Używamy sformułowań: „Moim zdaniem…”, „Uważam, że…”, „Według mojej opinii…” (I believe,  I trust,  In my opinion,  etc.)

Wyrażenie własnej opinii:

– In my opinion,
– I believe,
– I strongly believe,
– I think,
– In my point of view,
– The way I see it,
– It seems to me that…

Aby wyrazić pierwszy argument:

– First of all,
– To start with
– In the first place
– Firstly
– To begin with…

Aby wprowadzić kolejny argument:

– Moreover,
– What is more,
– Secondly,
– Furthermore,
– Another reason
– In addition to…

Aby wprowadzić jeden argument przeciw:

– On the other hand
– Opponents argue that
– Contrary to
– There are also people against…

Aby wprowadzić przykłady potwierdzające poszczególne argumenty:

– For example,
– For instance
– Such as
– In particular

Aby podsumować:

– All in all,
– To sum up,
– Taking everything into account
– All things considered