III Etap -2022 – archiwum



07-08 kwietnia 2022

Finał konkursu składa się z dwóch części; uczniowie odpowiadają na pytania/ zagadnienia konkursowe oraz przedstawiają prezentację multimedialną przed Komisją konkursową, na zasadach akademickich (niepublicznie).

  1. Egzamin ustny – uczeń odpowiada na 2 wylosowane pytania. 
  2. Prezentacja multimedialna (10 minut).

Najlepsza prezentacja zostanie, po ogłoszeniu wyników, powtórzona przed publicznością.

W przygotowaniu do konkursu pomogą uczniom materiały z podanej wcześniej bibliografii oraz sugerowanych stron internetowych (również z poprzednich lat konkursu), jak też inne wiarygodne źródła.

Prezentacja multimedialna

Topic:  Revival and the role of Inuit culture in Canada at the time of environmental crisis in the Arctic.
There have been many visions of Canadianness constructed in mainstream literature, arts, film and theatre associated with the concept of the North, which may be contrasted with the predominant American mythology of the West. The national rhetoric about Canada as a northern nation, and „the myth of the Arctic as wild, mysterious, forbidding and bereft of western civilization”, was invented by whites. The North was romanticized and exoticized as a site of purity, freedom, and spiritual rebirth for modern Canadians, while the original inhabitants of the Arctic region were exploited, silenced, ignored, or misrepresented. They have survived diverse colonial atrocities, and in the 21st century Canada’s strong presence in the Arctic is due in large part to the contributions of the Inuit. They continue to inhabit the North, and for thousands of years have been relying on the Arctic ecosystem. Today, the Arctic is changing at an unprecedented rate. It is warming at three times the global average rate, causing sea ice – the foundation of Arctic life – to melt, altering the region’s reality. In the face of climate change, WWF-Canada has started working with the Inuit people, whose knowledge of the land could allow us to keep the Arctic ecosystem in balance. Canada aims to maintain political control of its Arctic regions to protect itself from international threats to its security and sovereignty. The Inuit, on the other hand, have been keenly engaged in the process of reclaiming their culture, identity, worldviews and values as being strongly connected with respect for the land and all creation. Their voice has been heard not only in politics but also in literature, music, visual and performance arts, as well as the cinema and television of this region, which testifies to the revival of Inuit culture and language, which has been supported by the Canadian government and its politics of reconciliation.
Examine this topic, taking into consideration THREE areas of the Inuit people’s involvement in reclaiming their cultural sovereignty of the region, challenging colonial misrepresentations, and contributing its unique cultural perspectives to the contemporary vision of Canada as embracing and respecting the multiplicity of cultures living in its territory. Discuss the topic in the context of current Canadian northern strategy related to security and stewardship in the Canadian Arctic, and contemporary political debates on environmental destruction, climate change, and the Canadian politics of reconciliation.

Zagadnienia do egzaminu ustnego    

1. Discuss the changing notions of Canadian nationhood as constructed by politicians.  
2. Examine the problem of refugee resettlement in Canada and its political, economic, and cultural impact in the past and today.
3. Discuss how the Canadian Government’s approach to Indigenous women has been shifting and how the Indigenous peoples of Canada have been struggling for equal rights, care, and respect for Indigenous women.  
4. How does Glenn Gould construct the concept of the North in his „contrapuntal radio documentary” The Idea ofNorth? What is specific about his view of Canadianness as northerness?  
5. Discuss the contribution of Stachniak to Canadian literature. Focus on the type of novels and topics she chooses for her writing. Discuss why she foregrounds the female experience in her texts. Select one novel as an example of Stachniak’s writing between two cultures.  
6. What is the significance of the Multiculturalism Act of 1988-Bill 93, the Act for the Preservation and Enhancement of Multiculturalism in Canada, in the history of evolving Canadian nationhood?  
7. Discuss the impact of minority cultures in shaping Canadian culture by providing three examples of different artists, writers, politicians, or other representatives of three minority cultures who have become influential figures in Canada.
8. Discuss selected contributions of Indigenous people to the culture of Canada (e.g. artists, filmmakers, writers, etc.). Choose two examples.  
9. What is an Indian Act? What kind of impact does it have on the lives of Indigenous peoples in Canada? What does the Idle No More Movement and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada tell us about the present state of dialogue between both cultures?  
10. Discuss the changing immigration policies of Canada and show whether they correspond with the changing notions of Canadian nationhood.  
11. Reflect on Norval Morrisseau as a Shaman artist.  Examine his workwith reference to specific spiritual traditions he was interested in. Explore the style and techniques of his art, focusing on his use of colour and lines. Select TWO of his paintings and analyze them taking into consideration his choice of themes and artistic techniques.
12. Provide two examples of Indigenous feminist writers /scholars and briefly explain how their work contributes to society.
13. Give examples of three famous Polish Canadians and reflect on their contribution to Canadian society.
14. In the text entitled “THE RELUCTANT HISTORIAN AT THE BATTLE OF SEVEN OAKS” (https://www.myrnakostash.com/pdf/reluctant-historian.pdf ) Myrna Kostash reflects on her process of writing Reading the River: A Traveler’s Companion to the North Saskatchewan River. What is the genre of this work? What event in Canadian history does she write about? What is specific about her process of writing?  
15. Discuss the role of Aboriginal artists in the Canadian arts world. Select two artists to examine the topic. Are they involved in the process of decolonization of mainstream art? In what way? Think of the Group of Seven Artists as a reference point for your discussion.  
16. Discuss the contributions of a selected minority group in Canadian culture (African, Chinese, Japanese, Polish, German, Mennonite, etc.). You can choose to discuss the accomplishments of politicians, scientists and/or artists,     
17. What is the contribution of Tomson Highway to Canadian culture? Give an example of his work you are particularly interested in. What is his attitude to non-Indigenous cultures?
18.   Discuss the contribution of George Elliott Clarke to Canadian literature. Moreover, reflect on his concept of poetry and critical thinking. Refer to two texts to substantiate your response.
19. Reflect on the work of the Group of Seven artists and specify what was distinctive about their art. Provide two examples of select paintings to substantiate your response.
20. What kind of projects are “Walking with Our Sisters” and “REDress” and what human-rights crisis do they reflect upon?  
21. Discuss the main reasons for the Canadian government’s withdrawal from the Kyoto Protocol in 2011.
22. Climate change presents several environmental and economic challenges all over the world. What is Canada’s current climate change policy?  
23. How does Canada select a growing number of immigrants? Examine four main categories of immigrants to Canada.
24.   Review critically the patterns of racism as part of Chinese and Japanese immigration to British Columbia.
25. Analyze why Canada has a multi-party system at the federal and provincial levels.  
26. Discuss how Canada’s official policies have supported or discriminated against Black immigrants or Black Canadians – provide ONE example of support and ONE of discrimination. 
27. What is the story behind Africville and what does it demonstrate or represent?  

General questions  

One set of questions will relate to various aspects of Canadian culture, geography, literature, arts, politics, film, music, etc. which the candidate finds most interesting / attractive / appealing.

For instance:  
Which Canadian city, region, province, territory, politician, historical figure, artist, writer, filmmaker, film, actor, painter, painting, musician, composer, singer, athlete, etc. do you find most important/ engaging / interesting/ impressive/ appealing / compelling, when you look at them as representing/ constructing/ challenging or questioning selected narratives/ mythologies of Canadianness? Candidates are expected to show an awareness of the changing nature of national narratives.

Substantiate your response with a brief description of distinctive features of your selection and fully justify the reasons for your choice. Candidates are not required to possess a detailed knowledge of facts to support their opinions but will need to demonstrate critical thinking skills in the process of justifying them.

Examples of questions:  

  • Name your favourite Canadian historical figure and show his/her role in the history of building /shaping Canadian values.
  • Discuss a selected Canadian film or the work of a filmmaker that made the biggest impression on you and show how it inscribes itself in the project of Canadianness – either constructing or questioning it.
  • What Canadian writer does appeal to you the most and why? Why would you recommend his / her writing to your friend? What is Canadian about the writing? What are the signifiers of Canadianness, as discussed by scholars and critics? Does this question relating to the concept of nationhood matter at all?

USEFUL  WEBSITES  – select sources to consult

Politics / history
Canadian Arctic Sovereignty
Canada’s Arctic Foreign Policy
10 Tragedies That Destroyed The Canadian Inuit Way Of Life
The Little-Known History of How the Canadian Government Made Inuit Wear ‘Eskimo Tags’
Inuit philosophy / traditional knowledge
Inuit Worldview /philosophy
Qapirangajuq: Inuit Knowledge and Climate Change
Traditional Inuit Knowledge Combines With Science to Shape Arctic Weather Insights
“As Ice melts,  the  Inuit strive to keep their culture alive”
Inuit sharing ancient knowledge of ice, sea and land with new app
Representation/ Construction of the North in the mainstream Canadian cultureHollywood vision of the Canadian North, Canadian Mountie in the “Great White North” Nanook of the North (1922)  dir.Robert J. Flaherty
(Nanook of the North (1922))
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZG6a1zpJf6A&list=RDZG6a1zpJf6A&start_radio=1&t=9   (Tanya Taqaq in Concert with Nanook of the North – decolonizing Flaherty’s project)  
Glenn Gould and the idea of the North
R.Murray Schafer’s manifesto on Canada’s northern identity:  “Music in the Cold “ (1977)
Laweren Harris (Group of Seven): The Idea of North
Inuit cultureInuit culture education – sources
Inuit film and TVIsuma TV:
Zacharias Kunuk:  Atanarjuat. The Fast Runner  (2001)
Triste Arctique: The Films of Zacharias Kunuk
Zacharias Kunuk on Carrying the Tradition of Inuit Storytelling Through Film  https://nuvomagazine.com/magazine/winter-2021/zacharias-kunuk  
4 Places to Find Inuit Film Online
Inuit short film makes the Oscars short list
Contemporary Inuit musicThe Rise of Tanya Tagaq
Susan Aglukark
Performance artLaakkuluk Williamson Bathory  
Vinnie Karetak on the importance of reclaiming Inuit folk legends (banned by missionaries and the government)
Sites related to: Qaggic Collective, Artcirq,  Qaggiavuut Nunavut Performing Arts Centre
https://www.artcirq.org/en/home https://www.qaggiavuut.ca/  
Visual artsThe future of Inuit art
Cutting the Ice Annie Pootoogook’s art encourages a thawing of relations between cultures
A new generation of Arctic artists push the boundaries of Northern art
Arctic environmentProtected areas in the Arctic region
https://arctic-council.org/news/protected-areas-in-the-arctic-region/ https://nlca.tunngavik.com/?page_id=931  (see examples)
World Wild Fund- Canada: 


Maximum number of points 100
PowerPoint presentation  (10-12 slides ) 50  
Exam question  #1  (one question from the  announced list of detailed questions)   25
Exam question  #2 (one question from the section: DISCOVER CANADA – GENERAL QUESTIONS) 25

To obtain a more objective, precise and fair assessment of each criterion of the proposed evaluation scheme, a special grading scale has been adopted.  The PowerPoint/ multimedia presentation will be evaluated  on  a 100point grading scale. The final number of points will be calculated according to a mathematical formula (100 ÷ 2,5).  Exam questions will be evaluated on a 120-point grading scale (60-point grading scale for each question. The final number of points will be calculated according to a mathematical formula (60 ÷ 2)  for each question.  

PowerPoint/multimedia presentation   100

Contents/ factual information  – knowledge  of the candidate on selected aspects of the topic

  • Choice, developmen and justification of ideas / arguments / points of view (choice of facts, examples, etc.)
  • Critical thinking, maturity of ideas, coherence of represented views
  • Ability to draw conclusions  
  • Originality

Organization and timing

  • Clarity and logic of presented ideas   
Grammar,  vocabulary,  communicative quality   10
Pronunciation, intonation,  fluency   10

Delivery of presentation

  • Use of visual aids  (if a candidates decides to use audio or video materials, the time allowed for them is no longer than two minutes in total)
  • Dealing with questions  after presentation  
Exam questions 120
Question # 1 (one question from the announced list of detailed questions)  60

Contents /factual information

  • vital basic facts communicated/ all significant facts included

Critical thinking skills

  • analysis employed so that a full and comprehensive answer is provided 
Grammar, vocabulary,  communicative quality 10
Pronunciation, intonation,  fluency 10

Contents /  factual information 

  • vital basic facts communicated/ all significant facts included

Critical thinking skills

  • analysis employed so that a full and comprehensive answer is provided 
Grammar, vocabulary , communicative quality 10
Pronunciation, intonation,  fluency 10